Wow ... that was a fast week ! Sorry 'bout that ... these blog things don't write themselves, and for some reason, the past week was nutty at work, at home and I really was stretched pretty thin at times, but now --- I'm baaa-aack!
Been knitting a bit ... dishcloths (bought a mega ball of cotton ... someone told me the big balls of Bernat Cotton make 9 dishcloths - I am on 6 and seems to be lots left!).

Before that, a friend asked me to knit a few of them as a housewarming present for someone she knows ... so these 3 were born, 

followed by one more (sorry, no picture -- it was natural with the multicolour on one corner) to finish off the 3 balls.
just in time for a friend's birthday in 2 week's time.
Started this cuff of a sock at a movie a few weeks back, picked it up last night. Not really my colour, but I think T will love it ... and I am trying to keep the socks as a secret anniversary present. We'll see if the man sock's will hold my interest.

Also, I've been working on a project for a conference about communities. If I've asked you to make me a pocket ... I'd love it by WWKIP day on Saturday, if you can. I'll show it when I am done. If you are reading this and thinking you'd like to make me a pocket ... please contact me and I'll send you my address. The conference is on June 23rd ... so I need it before then. All the details are in the link I provided. Thanks!
More later!
Your dishcloth pictures are impressive!
Like the new sock yarn for the anniversary!
I get 10 dishcloths out of a 1lb ball.
A friend of mine just recieved 9lbs of cotton in the mail; to be knit up into dishcloths, etc for Ronald McDonald House - she's giving me some of it tomorrow.
Do you have enough pockets? If not, email me at
I should have taken you guys up on the offer of a couple of dishcloths! I've had three offers. I am working on #6 right now, and it's almost 10:30pm, I need it for tomorrow. I just started it. At least I have til Monday to make the other four, so that's okay. (They would have been done had I not had the eye incident. And I forgot I had someone coming to the house tonight that took up another 1.5 hours of much needed knitting time.)
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