Saturday, 14 August 2010

Extreme Makeover: the Former Beauty Edition

I think for a makeover to be a good one, the one being made over needs to have good bone structure, nice features, a good shape and some potential for beauty, otherwise, the makeover team have nothing to work with, the makeover is an epic failure, and the reveal is a let down.

These plain Janes were showing their age; having once been the popular girls, they were starting to look a bit run down, tired and a rough around the edges. They were showing the effects of a life well lived ... but still had a lot of good years left to in them!

They could use a bit of TLC, and a bit of colour ... Extreme Makeover: the Former Beauty Edition to the rescue!

Our team evaluated the situation, checked the girls over, and saw that all they really needed was a pep talk and a dash of colour to bring them into the 21st century! They have personality plus, they just need to know how to show it off ... and they'll be the hit of the summer party circuit!

After hours of work, in which the girls were treated to a soak, exfoliation, and some concealer to start to process, they were then taken to wardrobe, where they had their colours done so each would know which season suits them best (not surprisingly, they had been wearing the wrong colours) - they are both Summers! ,

finally, the big reveal!

Transformation: from plain Janes, worn and frazzled to classic beauties, with a modern edge!


Marti said...

Hehe...cute :) Love the reveal.

lexa said...

Love their new look!

Donna M said...

Fun post to read. Great job on the chairs! They look so bright and cheerful!