My sweetie surprised me with a beautiful Bulova watch for our anniversary (and me, being the slacker that I am, presented him with a partially finished sock, and the promise of its mate, to follow before Halloween! He was ok with that ... and that's one of the reasons I love him! )
We spent our anniversary on the Island, where we have a small camp. Duffy and Bruce joined us for our overnight adventure. T cooked for me

It seems like we don't spend much time alone together, and it was really nice to just have it be me and him, not a care in the world! 

He went for a hike along the rock beach (that's him wa-a-a-a-a-y up there, near the trees, and came back with beachcombing treasures. As you can see, the island is mostly rock, with very little grass or sand; the dogs don't get on very well there re: walking, and usually don't want to stray too far from the camp (we took them for a brief walk, and had to carry poor little Brucie back!)
We came back to the mainland on Sept. 5th, at dark. Very relaxing way to spend an anniversary.
** ETA: This is a picture of a puppy "roughing it" while at camp

Happy anniversary!
Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful anniversary! Glad to aee that Bruce wasn't too stressed over the whole thing!
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